As loving and cute as babies are, they are little explorers and they might cry, crawl away and have a little tantrum about being still and strike the posse. But this is one of the most bonding moments for the baby and the parent. Your face is at the right angle to have eye contact and thus, having a quiet communication with your child.
Learn about your baby
Diapering is the perfect opportunity for you to really understand your baby’s cues and signal. You will learn how that little body works, what bothers them and what it the culprit of those goose bumps. As you lift, move, and touch your baby, your hands will learn the map of their body and what’s normal in them. This is important because it will enable you to easily decipher any physical changes that need attention from you.
Develop trust
Regular diaper changes create rhythm in your baby’s world and afford the sense that they are safe in their surroundings. Your loving touches teach your baby that they are valued and mostly important that they can trust the hand that holds their life, as babies are totally dependent on parents and adults around them.
Have some fun
This is a great time to sing a song, play with your baby and do funny noises to have the attention and the smiles of your baby. If your baby is simply not into diapers, try this fun game: Just bring Mr. Diaper come and talk silly voice to your child, perhaps the diaper is not a diaper anymore, but a fun old funny puppet to catch the attention and keep still your baby. You can even play hide and seek with the diaper behind your back or shoulders.
Use distraction as your ally
It is a good idea to keep some small interesting toys reserved only for diaper time. You will allow your baby to play with these toys only at diaper change. Another good idea; is to save a small plastic flashlight for your baby to play while you change the diaper. Make sure the flashlight and the toys are light enough to not hurt the baby if it falls off from their little hands.