Single Parent?
Be the best single parent you can be...
More than a third of the children born these days will be raised in a single parent home at some point in their lives. A single parent’s task is even harder than a couple’s and thus the daily challenges, good and bad will be magnified as G. Grenier said.
The most common concerns of a single parent:
Am I doing a good job with my child?
Will my child learn how to be in a healthy relationship when he grows up?
How can I fit in the missing parental figure my child has?
The only way to survive parenthood is by creating a balance, keep open communication with your child and protecting your mental health.
Some advice from other single parents
Pamper yourself. Yes! YOU are a parent, and your child is fully independent of you and your choices, you must pay attention to your individual needs to keep physically and mentally healthy to give the best to your little one.
Make a reality check. If you are in control of your life, your emotions, your household, then you are a less stressed person and someone with a better attitude toward life and especially through difficulties. That includes tantrums, teacher’s meetings, and those childhood moments that requires “breathe in-breath out techniques” from you.
Think positive. Keep a positive thinking as much as you can, if you do not believe it, as much as you repeat it to yourself, you will think positive after many trials. The important factor that will help you achieve inner peace and see with straight eyes is to keep a favorable view of your present situation.
Build self-confidence. Learn to love your life, yourself, your surroundings. This does not mean that you cannot have aspirations and dreams, but until you reach those goals, learn to love what life brings on. Discard what makes you nervous: bad friends, unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits, make your house a “home”.
Build a good network support. When raising children as a single parent, you must reinforce your support system. For example: grandparents, neighbors, a good old friend, some cousins, aunties that you can count on. Not only they can help you to see other angles of a situation, they can provide good memories, be part of your recurrent family activities, and thus your child learn sociability and the meaning of “family circle”, but they will provide great relief when you are down or somewhat blue.
Learn the art of flexibility. Have you ever listened to yourself saying: Gosh! I need to finish laundry before going to bed, I am tired! Well, when you have kids around, it is more about doing chores around their schedule. Here comes the word “balance” and sometimes “forget and go along”. Will you be any different if you cannot wash your laundry today and instead head to the ice creamery and enjoy some sweet time with your little ones? Enjoy your time with your children. Laundry will always be waiting for you anyhow!