About Us
Raising Kiddos is a Non-Profit Organization created by parents and professionals to support other parents, parents to be, care givers, teachers, babysitters and nannies. We believe that you will find valuable information that will help with the task of understanding parenthood and childhood. Children are the most important and hard task for a lifetime. We encourage our followers to use love and patience to help your child grow strong, sensible and healthy. Our mission is to provide reliable and updated information about childhood development, raising issues and little notes that will help you cope with childhood development and parenthood. Our staff editors will bring the latest content on matters related to childhood development, behavioral skills, discipline techniques, and any other subject that may be helpful through this important phase of human process.

If you believe we have publish any material that is inappropriate for our audience please let us know. Our intent is to make useful information valid to other parents and/or guardians and not to claim any article or information as ours. Thank you!
Online Events 2024
Most of our online events are available in Spanish and English